Blog Posts

  • 37 Point Magento Pre-Launch Checklist

    [Guess what, I’m now available as a PDF.]

    Taking any website live can be a very stressful time as a developer. Your client is pushing to go live as soon as possible and the pressure can make it easy to forget steps. I’ve compiled some tips and tricks that I have picked up on Meanbee’s projects for moving your Magento store from development to production.

    1. Base URLs
    2. Favicon.ico
    3. Monday Morning, Time to Put on the Magneto Hat


    4. Add Increase and Decrease Quantity Buttons to Items in Magento Cart

      When a customer views their cart, each product that they have added will be listed. By default, Magento provides info for each product, e.g. name, image, quantity, price. Customers can change the quantity in the text box and submit the “Update Shopping Cart” button. That is a lot of effort for the user, we want to make this process as smooth as possible.

      We can make it easier by adding +1 and -1 links to...

    5. Gource Video Showing Magento Theme Development

      Time for some Friday fun. Last weekend, I played with Gource, a software version control visualisation tool. It allows you to create videos of commits to your Git repository over time and by different users.

      This only works for Git, Mercurial and Bazaar, but there are third party integrations for CVS and SVN. See google hosted project for more information on this.

      Nick and I recently worked on an emergency project for...