Presentations & Podcasts

I’m privileged to have spoken at conferences and been a guest on podcasts. Topics that I have most recently spoken on are machine learning with IBM Watson, Magento ecommerce and responsive design.

I’d love to continue doing this, so please send me an email if you’d like me to speak.

Here’s more information on topics I’ve spoken on:

Magento Security

Having seen first hand how hackers are using JS skimmers to steal customer information from Magento stores. I have spoken a couple of times on strategies to lock down Magento stores, including the Threat Detect product that Nick and I were testing with merchants.

My Fuck Up CV

As something a little different, I shared some of what’s gone ‘wrong’ in my career so far at the London Magento Meetup. I enjoyed this one a lot.

My Fuck Up CV Slides


I have been very interested in the Progressive Web App movement and the potential within the ecommerce space. I’m grateful for multiple opportunities to offer people my thoughts and experiences to date in this area.

PWA Landscape at the London Magento Meetup. What on earth are PWAs - Romania at Meet Magento Romania. What on earth are PWAs - Austin

Finding Swimming Pools with IBM Watson

I’ve been fascinated by machine learning and what’s possible with some of the services available. This presentation gives an overview of IBM Watson’s technologies and how they can be used to cognify websites and apps today!


Cognitive Commerce

With the cross-over of knowledge between ecommerce and machine learning, it was great to discuss on the Future Commerce podcast what this could lead to.

I was also privileged to speak at the official Magento Imagine conference on How to Beat the Competition with Cognitive Commerce.


University of Bath have invited us twice to present on Entrepreneurship. We were able to provide an alternative view to the traditional path of graduating to an large company. During it, we talk on how to experiment and get into an area of business that you are passionate about, as well as some of the legalities of it.

Responsive Design

During the 2013/14 conference season, I had the pleasure of presenting on Responsive Design for Magento development with Darren Belding at a series of Meet Magento Conferences. At Meanbee, we have had a few large projects with responsive design requirements under our belts now. Hopefully some of the tips and lessons that we’ve learnt are useful to others.

User Testing

I reviewed user tests that were run by the design team at Space 48 and shared our findings at a local conversion rate optimisation meetup.


I’ve spoken more generically about Magento and the community’s news on the MageTalk podcast. Once at Magento Imagine and another time following a MageTitans event.

Running a Magento Agency

While at Meet Magento Netherlands in 2013, Guido Jansen invited me to also run a workshop on how to build a Magento agency. With a range of topics to talk about, I took the opportunity to share my experiences so far while building Meanbee. This included things that I thought had gone well, contrasting with things that we have certainly learnt lessons from. There was great audience and others in the workshop shared from their own experiences too and there was a lot of knowledge being shared. Just another example of the fantastic Magento community.

Introduction to Magento

There is a regular meetup in Bath for people within the tech industry called BathSpark. There was an ecommerce night hosted at LoveHoney and I gave an introduction to Magento.

Software Engineering: From Theory to Practice

The Computer Science Department at the University of Bath invited Nick Jones and I to give a talk on software engineering from the perspective of Meanbee. This was interesting because we had taken the same module 5 years before so it was interesting to compare what we had learnt with what was happening in practice. It also gave us an opportunity to stand back from day-to-day practices to assess what we could improve.