Blog Posts

  • Magento Webinar - Best Practices for Magento Developers

    This evening, I attended the first in a series of Magento Webinars for developers - “Best Practices for Magento Developers”. It was mainly aimed at getting developers involved with improving the Magento Core code. It ran through some PHP and Zend Framework coding standards and so would be useful to watch for any developer starting out with Magento, whether this is building commercial extensions or writing theme templates.

    Once this week’s webinar is online -...

  • Getting Ready for Android Development on Mac OS X

    Since I bought my lovely HTC Hero in aid of Children in Need from Rory Cellan-Jones (the BBC tech correspondent), I have been getting very excited at the prospect of taking part in some Android development.

    As I got my environment set up on my MacBook Pro (with help from O’Reilly), I thought I would make a few notes to help any others doing the same.

    My First... </div> </li> <li class=

    URL shortener "to" confuse users and url regex alike



    This [experimental] url shortener came to light recently and confused many to how it actually works.

    From a user’s point of view, this could dominate the url shortening market with the 2 letter address alone. On top, it’s neat and appropriately named.

    However, any users with a sprinkling of technical knowledge would be forgiven for being a bit confused. Normally you will register your domain e.g.